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Progressive Weaning Foals

Progressive Weaning Foals

Natural Progressive Weaning of Foals: A Gentle Transition Introduction Weaning is a critical phase in a foal’s life, marking the transition from dependency on the mare’s milk to independent feeding. While abrupt weaning can be stressful for both the foal and the mare,...

Why muddy paddocks can cause injury and how to help

Why muddy paddocks can cause injury and how to help

Horses are amazing animals that can perform incredible feats of speed and agility. However, they also face many challenges and risks when they have to walk or run on slippery or muddy surfaces. In this blog post, we will explore how these conditions can affect their...

What bodywork does my horse need

What bodywork does my horse need

Do I need a Soft Tissue bodyworker or a Chiropractor for my horse? Soft tissue bodywork and chiropractic are two different modalities that can help horses with various musculoskeletal issues. Soft tissue bodywork involves manipulating the muscles, fascia, tendons and...

Mycotoxin Binders and why we use Elitox

Mycotoxin Binders and why we use Elitox

Pasture-based toxins are a common issue faced by horse owners, particularly those with horses that graze in pastures or fields. These toxins can cause a range of health issues for horses, including colic, laminitis, and other digestive problems. To prevent these...

Why did Belinda get into making animal supplements?

Why did Belinda get into making animal supplements?

Well, this was never my plan, it happened organically while looking for a solution for my own horses. 15+ years ago we had 20+ horses, breeding mini & Welsh Cobs, and were looking for a supplement to suit laminitis prone & good doer ponies. We had tried...

Feeding horse’s hay: A Key to gut health

Feeding horse’s hay: A Key to gut health

Horses are designed to eat high-fibre forages over long periods of time. Their digestive system relies on a complex fermentation process that takes place in the hindgut, where billions of microorganisms break down fibrous plant material and produce energy and vitamins...

Saddle Fit why is it important

Saddle Fit why is it important

After years of working on horses and helping them with their pain issues, so many times it comes down to incorrect saddle fit when a horse has issues. I offer a free saddle check with your Equine Touch Consult, as this can help me (& you) see if that is the issue...

Why feed your dog a Natural Raw Diet?

Why feed your dog a Natural Raw Diet?

Dogs are omnivores and are designed to eat a balanced raw meat diet with vegetables and fruit. Feeding dogs one food group like all meat or all vegetables creates imbalances and can contribute to illnesses. A safe diet is a balance of different raw meats (beef,...

Is your horse in Pain? How to check your horse.

Is your horse in Pain? How to check your horse.

Checking your horse for pain issues is a complicated process that does require an experienced qualified person or vet to make a full assessment. There are things you, the horse owner can do & observe too to check for pain issues. The first sign can be observing...

Feeding the ‘Good Doer’

Feeding the ‘Good Doer’

For all the horse owners that have ponies or miniatures that you struggle to keep the weight off then this information is for you. With over 22 + years’ experience in owning and breeding show quality miniature ponies & horses and Welsh cobs I have learnt so much...

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